As of now, Voqal cannot tell you the current time. However, this ability is easy to implement and provides a great example of how to customize Voqal for real-time information and private data.


what time is it



Option 1: Context Extension

The embedded computer context extension has the ability to provide the current time.

To print the current time in a prompt template, use the following code:

{{ computer.currentTime | date("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ssX") }}

See for more information on the date filter.

Option 2: Custom Prompt URL

fun main() {
    embeddedServer(Netty, port = 8080) {
        routing {
            get("/time-aware-voqal") {
                //download idle mode prompt
                val idleModeText = URL("").readText()

                //create prompt containing current time
                val timePrompt = buildString {
                    appendLine("## System Information")
                    appendLine("Current time is: ${}")
                    appendLine("Current timezone is: ${System.getProperty("user.timezone")}")

                //insert system information before `## System Mode` section
                val systemModeIndex = idleModeText.indexOf("## System Mode")
                val timeAwarePrompt = idleModeText.substring(0, systemModeIndex) +
                        timePrompt + idleModeText.substring(systemModeIndex)

                //return updated prompt
    }.start(wait = true)

Example Response

## Assistant Tool Request

### answer_question

  "answer": "The current time is 19:51 and the timezone is GMT-05:00."